Step 1 : S tart the system and unplug the power cable few times immediately. After few abnormal shut down system will prompt for Startup Repair option. Step 2 : System will prompted with two options in the boot screen (again), select the first option - "Launch Start-up Repair(recommended)" Step 3 : Wait for Scan to complete Step 4 : Click on " Cancle " option Step 5 : After some time an error report screen will pop-up, asking to send information or not. click on "View Problem Details" , scroll down to the end of the report, then click a link stating X:\windows\ (the link starts with an"X") Step 6 : Window will pop-up, and will look like a notepad Click File then select Open, and another window will pop-up Navigate to C: drive (drive on which windows is installed), click Windows, then System32, after that click on the arrow beside the "File Type" option and select "all files" Step 7...