A Beginner's Guide to Dota 2 (Part 1)


In Dota, the goal of the game is to destroy the enemy's base. The map is made of three lanes, and jungle in between those lanes. Creeps move down these lanes and attack each other. As a hero, you choose a lane to go to, and in this lane there are basic things you can do to win your lane and get a better late-game advantage. Typically, two heroes go top, one hero in the center, and two bottom. Though, there are several different ways to play. Eventually, through killing creeps, getting kills, and taking the enemie's towers, you will push a creep wave to the enemies base and take their creep spawning buildings, causing you to spawn super creeps. However, in Dota, there is a denying system. This allows you to kill friendly minions and towers, and under certain circumstances allied heroes, to deny your enemy the gold benefit of killing that unit/structure. Both farming and denying are very crucial to the game. Once one or more of the enemies creep spawning buildings (further known as raxes) are destroyed, you may destroy the enemies throne, resulting in a victory for your team.

Dota 2 Map

Secret Shop and side shop location

The Secret Shop is a shop found on each side of the map. One on the Dire side to the right of Roshan, the other on the Radiant side above their ancient camp. At this shop you can find unique items that aren't sold at your base


Creep spawn in every 30 seconds.
 The first wave of creeps has 3 Melee creeps and 1 Ranged creep, and every seventh wave will have a Siege creep (starting at 3:00.) At 17:30, 34:00, and 50:30, an extra Melee creep is added. At 45:30, an extra Ranged creep is added. At 48:30, an extra Siege creep is added to every seventh wave.

This is just a overview.Creep blocking, denying, Last hitting will be discuss in later parts

Neutral Creeps

Neutral Creeps are tougher, more dangerous creeps that appear in the forest. They are aligned to neither of the teams, and offer an alternative source of Gold and Experience. Heroes can focus on killing Neutral creeps in order to farm, by Jungling. Some Neutral creeps also have special abilities. Heroes such as Doom can make use of these abilities, and turn them against their enemies. Roshan is also considered a Neutral creep.


Runes will spawn at 0:00 and respawn every two minutes at one of two locations on the river, if there isn't a rune already on the map. The last rune must be taken in order for a new one to spawn. Runes will spawn in the river at two locations, either between the top and middle lanes, or between the middle and bottom lanes. The same rune type will not spawn twice in a row.

Rune of Double Damage
When activated, gives the Hero and any controlled illusions within 500 AoE +100% damage for 45 seconds. This only affects attack damage, not spell damage. It also does not take into account pure damage items (such as Divine Rapier), but only your base damage and any attribute increasing effects.

Rune of Haste
When activated, gives the Hero Haste buff (+100% movement speed, immunity to movespeed slow) for 30 seconds. In most cases, this will cause the Hero to move at maximum speed.

Rune of Regeneration
When activated, gives the Hero 100 HP/second regeneration and 67 Mana/second regeneration for 30 seconds. The effect ends if the hero takes damage or if both their health and mana reach their maximum.

Rune of Invisibility
When activated, after a 1 second fade effect, gives the Hero invisibility for 45 seconds. Invisibility is broken if they perform actions such as attacking, using items, or using spells. Heroes can still be spotted by any unit with True Sight, such as towers or Sentry Wards, but will not lose invisibility. During the 1 second fade time, it is possible to consume only one charge of the bottle without breaking invisibility.

Rune of Illusion
When activated, creates two illusions of the Hero for 75 seconds. The illusions deal 35% damage and take 300% damage.


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