How to get Last hit

Last hitting : In this landing the killing blow to the creeps making you gain gold or denying them to prevent your enemy from getting full experience and gold. Once mastered it will take your skill to another level where expensive carry items become ridiculously cheap.There are many factors that affect your lasthitting ratio, i will discuss them more precisely later. Every experienced player will tell you that this skill comes with practice.

Last hitting

Tower Last hitting


Tower denying : You can also deny your low hp tower or towers, this will prevent enemy from getting extra gold from from taking tower.

Ally Hero denying : Friendly heroes can only be denied when they are under certain sources of damage over time. Denying a hero will prevent the enemy from gaining any experience or gold from the kill, but your ally will still lose gold from dying.

Things u need to know for getting last hits
  •  make sure you have set "show health bar" as yes or tick 
  • make sure you set "Auto-attack" as off or untick
Note : If your are playing a support never steal last hits from your team's carry hero else it will harm your team and most-likely your team will loose as your team's  carry hero doesnot have proper item and level to carry you to victory. As support you should try to get as much deny as possiable and  you can also haras your lane's enemy heroes.


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